
A Compendium for Maintaining and Cleaning uPVC Windows and Doors

A Compendium for Maintaining and Cleaning uPVC Windows and Doors

uPVC (unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride) windows and doors are famous for their long-lasting nature, low upkeep, and high energy efficiency. However, in order to maintain their operationality and keep them looking good, it is important to observe regular maintenance as well as proper cleaning. This guide will give you some tips on how you can effectively clean your uPVC windows and doors.


Understanding uPVC

Before we go into maintenance techniques, it is important to first understand what uPVC is. Unlike wood or metal, upvc does not rot, rust or need repainting. It resists weather elements while insulating against heat loss or sound pollution thereby making it appropriate for doors and windows in all types of climates.


Regular Maintenance Checks

1. Inspect Seals and Gaskets: At least twice a year, check the rubber seals and gaskets around your uPVC windows and doors for any signs of wear or damage that may have occurred. These protect against drafts as well as water penetration.

2. Check the Hardware: Examine all moving parts such as handles, hinges, locks etc., so ensure their smooth operation. Apply silicone based lubricant for these parts to continue working efficiently.

3.Ensure Proper Drainage: Ensure that there are no obstructions within the drainage holes of window frames especially those at the bottom sections of window frames. Such hindrances allow moisture build up which can cause dampness problems affecting frame integrity.



Cleaning uPVC Windows and Doors
Materials Needed:
  • Soft cloth/ sponge
  • Bucket with warm soapy water (use a mild detergent)
  • Vacuum cleaner with soft brush attachment
  • Vinegar/or specialized uPVC cleaner(for tough stains)
  • Silicone spray(For moving parts).
Cleaning Steps:

1. Dusting Off: Start by dusting off using a soft cloth or brush frame, sill and glass to get rid of loose dirt and debris. If you own a vacuum with a soft brush attachment, use it to clean tracks and corners where dust tends to accumulate.

2. Washing: Dip a soft cloth or sponge in a bucket of warm soapy water. Squeeze out excess water till it is damp but not dripping, then wipe down the uPVC frames, sills, and glass parts. Do not use harsh chemicals or abrasive materials since they will leave the uPVC doors/windows scratched or discoloured.

3. Tackling Tough Stains: If there are tougher stains or built up grime on them, you can gently rub the area with a cloth soaked in vinegar solution (equal parts) or a specialized uPVC cleaner until clean.

4. Drying: After washing, immediately dry all surfaces using a clean dry cloth to avoid leaving water spots.

5.Lubricating: Lubricate moving parts like hinges and locks by spraying some silicon based sprays into them. This keeps them well-lubricated thereby ensuring smooth operations as well as avoiding rusting/corrosion.

Preventive Measures

Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Brutalization of upvc should be stopped; thus no abrasive cleaners scouring pads solvents etc should never be used while cleaning this material.

 Regular Cleaning:

It is advisable that you do thorough cleaning on your uPVC windows and doors at
least once after every three months but six months is ideal for persons living
in places that experience low levels of pollution

 Prompt Repairs:

Act quickly to fix problems such as crackings, misalignments or seal breakdowns so as to prevent future bigger problems occurring.


It is quite easy to maintain and clean your uPVC doors and
windows, it doesn’t take a lot of time or special requirements. If you show
them some love, your uPVC installations will still look good and serve you
efficiently for a long time. Consider that the secret to its durability lies
not just in material quality but also the degree of attention you accord it.

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